Tuesday, October 25, 2011


up my white shirt for the Colette Palette Challenge, and I think it might be my favorite out of all the things I have ever sewn.
Also, I won a jar of candy corn at FHE on Monday (I guessed 999, I'm not sure what the real count was though) --BAD, so bad. Come take it away from me.


Anonymous said...

Ya you did! Final count 993. Congratulations!


A Mitton said...

Winning is never bad. Even if it is candy.

And you're reading Dorian Grey! I loved that book.

Also YES we will hang out and not just in the car at Christmas. Maybe lunch with Kait too?

Jacqueline Francis said...

i want to see the pretty front! i cant believe you arent a high fashion seamstress carreeerr woman.