Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yous a Ho.

Monday night I...wait backtrack...Sunday morning I found out that I was in charge of a ward FHE on Monday night. Yay.

I'm in charge of the council that does Emergency preparedness so we did an activity for people to learn about the Stake Emergency and some things they could do to be prepared in case of an emergency.

I was in charge of typing up, re-formatting, and printing a couple handouts as well as refreshments for the activity. I also had to write a quiz and didn't have a lot of time so I typed up the page, spell-checked it, and printed it off.

Later, right before the activity, the guy who is my partner in planning all of this stuff pointed out a typo. I did't read the whole sentence, but just glanced at it quickly thought I had misspelled the word "holiday"

As I was going over the information I noticed that a few people found something a little funny. After the activity a guy from the ward came up to me and asked "Where do you ho?" with a huge grin on his face.

I then looked back at the page where the sentence was supposed to be

"Know where your roommates go daily, especially if it is out of the area."

but instead said,

"Know where your roommates ho daily, especially if it is out of the area."


But I think I am okay with making mistakes as long as they are ones that I can laugh at too.

Except I had the "Yous a hoe" song stuck in my head all evening after than. I won't add a link to that because it would be inappropriate for some of the people who sometimes read my blog...

But here's a picture of Ho Chi Minh:

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